Red Imported Fire Ants

Red Imported Fire Ants

Red Imported Fire Ants in Florida: Identification and Control

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What Are Red Imported Fire Ants?

Red imported fire ants (RIFAs) are an aggressive ant species commonly found throughout Florida. Known for their painful stings and aggressive behavior, these ants are reddish-brown in color and thrive in warm, humid environments. They create large, visible mounds in lawns, fields, and other outdoor areas, which can pose risks to people, pets, and wildlife.

How to Identify Red Imported Fire Ants

Red imported fire ants are small, measuring about 1/8 to 1/4 inch in length, and range in color from reddish-brown to dark brown. Their nests are often found in sunny, open areas, and they can build large mounds that reach up to 18 inches in diameter and several inches high. If disturbed, the ants will aggressively swarm and sting the perceived threat. Their stings can cause intense pain, itching, and in some cases, allergic reactions.

Where Do Red Imported Fire Ants Live?

RIFAs prefer to build their nests in open, sunny spaces like yards, parks, and farmland, though they can also be found near sidewalks, driveways, and building foundations. These ants are particularly attracted to moist environments and will often appear after heavy rains or irrigation. Once established, they can quickly expand their colonies and create multiple mounds in an area.

Why Are Red Imported Fire Ants Dangerous?

Red imported fire ants are notorious for their painful stings, which can result in burning, itching, and the formation of pustules. For some individuals, these stings can trigger severe allergic reactions that require medical attention. Additionally, fire ant colonies can cause damage to lawns, crops, and electrical equipment, and they can disrupt outdoor activities and pose hazards to pets and livestock.

How to Get Rid of Red Imported Fire Ants

Controlling red imported fire ants can be challenging due to their aggressive nature and large colonies. The most effective way to eliminate them is by using a combination of baiting and mound treatments. Baits are designed to be carried back to the colony, where they disrupt the queen’s reproduction, gradually reducing the population.


We recommend using products like Amdro, Advion Fire Ant Bait, or Extinguish Plus, which target the entire colony. These baits should be applied when ants are actively foraging, usually during the early morning or late afternoon.

For individual mounds, mound treatments using products such as boiling water, insecticidal dusts, or liquid drenches can directly target the colony. Be cautious when approaching fire ant mounds, as disturbing them can trigger an aggressive swarm.

Professional Red Imported Fire Ant Control Services

While there are DIY methods available, controlling red imported fire ants often requires professional expertise, especially for large or persistent infestations. Our team specializes in comprehensive fire ant control, using proven methods to eliminate these pests from your property safely and efficiently.

Contact us today to learn more about our red imported fire ant control services and how we can help protect your home or business in Florida 239-877-4041